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Join a community dedicated to excellence

Challenge yourself, pursue your dreams and help us do what’s right as human beings.
colleagues in a meeting

Use your talents to make a real difference

Kyocera Document Solutions is transforming and you can become an important player in this journey. We’re dynamic and passionate about what we do as innovation pioneers, driving value and leading change in the document and information management industry.


  • We have a unique set of values and a working culture that thrives on a diverse community
  • A range of excellent benefits
  • Exciting opportunities for growth and development 

“To do what is right as a human being”

Our founder’s belief that it’s our mission “to do what is right as a human being” guides all our actions as we strive together as one community of excellence. Strong business ethics are part of our core philosophy. We have a clear vision on how we should work to protect our precious planet and we pioneer products that help solve the world’s ecological problems.

Qualities and values matter at Kyocera

We look for people who embrace our philosophy and share our values. If you have these qualities, a career at Kyocera could be just what you are looking for.
You are insatiably curious and creative, inspired to change our world and challenge yourself.
We're completely open to all employees about how we operate and we expect openness and honesty in return.
We operate a 'Fair Play Principle' to conduct business fairly, integrity is vital.
You truly care about customers, take time to understand them and put them first.

Why Kyocera?

Why Kyocera should be your employer of choice.

  • family at home in front of a laptop

    Compensation and benefits

    We don’t just see you as an employee, you’re an individual with needs, so we offer a balanced package of benefits. We offer flexible working hours, high potential schemes and an international recruitment scheme with an attractive relocation package. We offer paid holidays, health care, life insurance, resources for childcare and much more.

    Compensation and benefits

    Compensation and benefits

    We don’t just see you as an employee, you’re an individual with your own particular needs, so we offer a balanced package of benefits.

  • woman presenting in front of a group

    Learning and development

    Our founder said we should “pursue unlimited human potential” so we give you training and education to develop your skills as a person, as well as coaching and mentoring to guide your career. You’ll take on new challenges and learn inside and outside of your team.

    Learning and development

    Learning and development

    Our founder said we should “pursue unlimited human potential” so we

  • colleagues smiling in a meeting

    Diversity in our community

    Diversity helps us thrive. It broadens our experience and ideas and gives us fresh perspectives that inform how we work, develop products and reach out to the world. Our founder inspired the people who worked with him to excel by fostering a deep sense of community and belonging, in his words what he called the "bonds of human minds". Today we have 26 nationalities working together at our HQ in The Netherlands. 

    Diversity in our community

    Diversity in our community

    Diversity helps us thrive. It broadens our experience and ideas and

Are we right for you?

Find out what’s so important about our heritage and how it inspires our forward-thinking action on ecology.

  • Vision

    Our founder’s pioneering philosophy guides how we work and shapes our vision of the smarter workplace.

  • Kyocera and the environment

    We have a clear vision on how we should work to protect our precious planet and we help solve eco problems.

We're expanding - join us

Exciting opportunities are opening up at Kyocera Document Solutions as we transform and grow.

From our head offices in the Netherlands and Germany, we market our products all over EMEA (Europe, Africa Middle East, Africa) via 17 country level subsidiaries and our network of authorised partner distributors in almost 80 countries. Dealing with international partners and colleagues is part of the attraction of working at Kyocera. It's a diverse, challenging and stimulating environment. 

Check our latest job opportunities

If you are interested in working with us, please check our LinkedIn page for the latest vacancies in the EMEA region.

Talk to us, we’re human

Need help or information about a career with us? Get in touch and our friendly team will answer any queries you may have.

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