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Working to the highest standards

We aim to be pioneers in standards and best practice to match our products and services.
overhead office shot

Our commitment to quality, the environment and you

Since our business was founded 60 years ago, we always strive to work and behave ethically and be transparent in everything we do. Strong business ethics are part of our core philosophy. 

Doing the right thing

We’re committed to giving you the highest quality, most reliable products and services in an environmentally responsible way. We use our international certifications to help us maintain and improve our environmental programs and quality control.

Our accreditations demonstrate our total commitment to you, our supply chain, our partners, customers and the environment. They demonstrate that we aim to do the right thing as human beings – a fundamental part of our company philosophy.

ISO certificates

shot of sun through trees in a forest

Meeting and exceeding customer needs

Demonstrating our commitment to quality management, the ISO 9001 standard shows that our products and services consistently meet customer requirements, and that quality is constantly improved.

women working on a tablet

Protecting the environment

ISO 14001 is the international standard for environmental management systems. This highlights Kyocera's commitment to considering environmental consequences of all processes and business practices internationally.

close up of hands typing on a laptop

Highest standards in data security

As businesses work to tackle cyber and data security, Kyocera leads the way by achieving ISO 27001 accreditation, the international framework for data and information security. All EMEA subsidiaries follow Plan-Do-Check-Act (the PDCA cycle) for continual improvement on InfoSec. Protecting your data is our primary concern.

Talk to us, we’re human

Have a question about our accreditations or interested in partnering with us? Get in touch.

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