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Hvis du har skrevet en korrekt e-mail i vores database, svarer vi indenfor...
You can request a new account by submitting your details to your local sales centre. Upon approval, we will email you a temporary password.
At present, registered users are restricted to Partners and Employees of Kyocera Document Solutions. Please note that your local legacy Extranet are still available and accessible to you via the button below.
Kyocera er fast besluttet på, at vi skal have en mere bæredygtig fremtid.
Vores ECOSYS printere har mindre affald og har den laveste omkostning per print op imod sammenlignelige printere. Vi var de første til at udvikle et patron-frit system til laser printere og vi fokuserer vores produktudvikling på at reducere vores miljøpåvirkning (Ecology), minimere de løbende omkostninger (Economy), og sikre en nem integration med informationsnetværk (System).
Kyocera ser solar som en afgørende faktor i fremtiden for vores samfund. Vi udvikler for at vores planets afhængighed af traditionelle energikilder, med idéer fra flydende solcelle parker til solventilation in Toyota Prius.
Vi renser vandet i vores fabrikker, så det faktisk er renere når vi er færdige med det end vandet i de offentlige vandforsyninger. Vi arbejder konstant på, at gøre vores fabrikker og kontorer 'grønne' - det gør vi bl.a. ved hjælp af solceller på taget og 'green curtains' som reducerer energiforbruger. Derudover tager vi initiativer til at bevare biodiversiteten.
Vi er en del af verdens største private initiativ omkring bæredygtighed.
In manufacturing, various factors can lead to loss. However, this loss can be reduced to at or near zero through total awareness of all parties involved. Through our comprehensive approach to "visibility," KYOCERA Document Solutions publicly shares all problem spots and issues with every employee. This approach utilizes the awareness of each individual to minimize loss. All employees develop careful eyes for strictly checking each individual part, helping to achieve loss reduction. Multiple measures are taken to ensure product quality, including issuing acknowledgments even if a single potentially fatal defect is reported during the month. These are just some of the ways we evaluate our stance toward
comprehensive product quality throughout the company.
KYOCERA strives to certify all of its manufacturing plants and non-manufacturing facilities throughout the world to the ISO 14001:2004 standard. KYOCERA is committed to:
ISO 14001:2004 certification emphasises the importance of environmental responsibility, customer focus, a process approach and improved supply chain management from an environmental perspective.
Download here the ISO 14001:
Elektrisk strømforbrug i stand-by tilstand og den tid det tager at komme i stand-by tilstand har en vigtig indflydelse på enhedernes samlede strømforbrug. I overensstemmelse med "EC 801/2013" (Lot 26) reglerne informerer oversigten nedenfor om de standard tider, som enhederne tager for at gå i netværksstandby-tilstand (sleep) samt strømforbruget, når de er tilsluttet de angivne grænseflader.
Nedenfor finder du den seneste liste over alle Lot 26-kompatible enheder:
Scanning, sharing, and printing documents has arguably never been so important to how businesses operate. Our ECOSYS range is therefore designed to strike the perfect balance between performance and longevity, so that you can cover your business needs while minimising your environmental impact.
Environmental conservation is a major factor in how organisations operate today, and with print and document management you can significantly reduce the environmental footprint of a business. Through the right combination of software and hardware, it's possible to operate more sustainably while also achieving your CSR objectives.
Vores R&D centre udvikler produkter der reducerer omkostningerne og øger produktiviteten samtidig med en overlegen miljø performance.