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Sustainable Products and Processes

The Kyocera philosophy of love and respect inspires our conscientious innovation.

Why Kyocera is committed to developing a greener future

Our founder, Dr. Inamori, created the Kyocera philosophy, a set of values that define our company culture and drive our commitment to sustainable innovation. This philosophy says we must do “what is right as human beings”, “be visionary, passionate pioneers”, and “live with pure hearts”. Inspired by this philosophy, we aim to deliver comprehensive solutions to our customers while protecting our planet with love.

We are dedicated to sustainability through eco-friendly practices, such as energy-efficient product design and reducing CO2 emissions. With a focus on long-lasting, recyclable materials and reducing our carbon footprint, we have become innovative pioneers, developing solutions that meet the demands of our customers across sectors while remaining sustainable and efficient.

This commitment includes responsible resource use, the promotion of digital transformation, and ensuring sustainable operations across our factories and plants.

Respect the Divine

Respect the Divine and Love People

Our Corporate Motto is “Respect the Divine and Love People” and this inspires us to try to make the world a better place. As a business, we want to work with society to create a greener, more sustainable world for everyone.

How we innovate in our products to drive sustainability

Sustainable product design is a core value at Kyocera. This means our printing devices are long-life, low cost, and produce less waste.

The ECOSYS concept

The ECOSYS concept

Economy and ecology: Our ECOSYS devices reduce plastic and consumable waste, last the test of time, and offer lower energy consumption.

Sustainable toner innovation

We were the first manufacturer on the market to develop a cartridge-free system for laser printers, reducing waste and making products more efficient.

In fact, several of our devices have been awarded a Blue Angel Certificate. The Blue Angel is an independent and credible label that sets stringent standards for environmentally friendly products and services.

Moreover, to satisfy the Blue Angel eco-label requirement and create a safer working environment, Kyocera toner does not contain harmful substances such as mercury, cadmium, lead and nickel, Chromium VI compounds, dyes that might release carcinogenic particles. This is how we innovate and update products to ensure we are doing what is best for the planet.

Free Toner Take-Back Service

Free Toner Take-Back Service

In many locations throughout Europe, used Kyocera toner cassettes can be recycled. LPR collects empty toners in Germany, Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg and Austria. Local collectors provide toner recycling in France (ECOLOGIC), Italy (ENRION), Spain (Recyclia), Switzerland (SWICO), and Sweden (El-Kretsen).

Eco-friendly commercial printing

Kyocera’s two inkjet commercial printers, the TASKalfa Pro 15000c and TASKalfa Pro 55000c, are designed to reduce print companies’ environmental impact.

Kyocera’s sustainable inkjet solutions

Kyocera’s sustainable inkjet solutions

Our presses reduce electricity consumption by switching to a low-energy sleep mode more quickly once idle. Moreover, due to their precision, there is no need for test sheets before print runs, nor is daily calibration required. Print room operators can begin print runs immediately, resulting in significantly reduced paper waste.


Contact us

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Solutions for paperless workflows

As the world has become increasingly digital and companies move toward the paperless office, Kyocera Document Solutions has evolved with our customers to provide modern document management solutions that reduce paper waste and maximise efficiency. We offer enterprise content management (ECM) through our cloud-based solution Kyocera Cloud Information Manager to help reduce unnecessary use of paper and streamline document management digitally.

Meanwhile, Kyocera Net Manager and MyQ help organisations cut down on paper and ink by providing print policies and monitoring, saving costs, and limiting paper waste. With our efficient printing devices and comprehensive software solutions, Kyocera customers can build print environments that promote digital workflows, reduced waste, and energy efficiency.

Reduced plastic waste
Reduced plastic waste

We use recycled and recyclable plastics in our products. 

Sustainable product packaging
Sustainable product packaging

We’ve eliminated plastic in our eco-friendly biodegradable packaging. 

Long-lasting print drums
Long-lasting print drums

Up to 600,000 prints before drum replacement, reducing landfill waste.

Toner recycling program
Toner recycling program

A free-of-charge, direct collection scheme for single toner cassettes.

Eco-friendly toner
Eco-friendly toner

Our toner prints at a lower temperature, significantly reducing power use

Eco-conscious innovation

Kyocera x Economist Impact

Kyocera x Economist Impact: Green skills for the future

Kyocera was proud to sponsor a report by Economist Impact called A green edge: green skills for the future. When it comes to sustainability, we don’t just talk the talk. Supporting this research allowed us to walk the walk in terms of our commitment to building a greener tomorrow. 

Kyocera is committed to developing a greener future.”

Responsible manufacturing

Responsible manufacturing

Two Kyocera Document Solutions production plants in Vietnam and China have obtained gold and silver status respectively in the reputable Responsible Business Alliance (RBA) Validated Assessment Program (VAP) audit.

Working toward a solar-powered future

Finally, Kyocera views solar as crucial for the future of our society. We are innovating to reduce our planet’s dependence on conventional energy sources, with ideas such as floating solar power plants to solar ventilation in the Toyota Prius.

In 2024, we installed a new solar generation system at our Vietnam plant, which is set to reduce CO2 emissions by 4,210 tons per year.

  • Group CSR Guidelines

    Discover Kyocera Group’s Corporate Social Responsibility guidelines and how they link to the Kyocera Philosophy.

  • CSR Summary Report

    Read the latest Corporate Social Responsibility summary report from Kyocera Document Solutions.

Talk to us, we’re human

Ask a Kyocera expert how we can help you or provide more information about our commitment to sustainability.

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