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Your Standard Warranty

Country specific and European Standard Warranty Services maintain the functionality of equipment.
two men shaking hands

Manufacturers Warranty

Please contact your local Kyocera Support department first in the event of a warranty claim. Our colleagues will be happy to help inform you of any possible country specific warranty conditions such as On-Site Service or Exchange Programs.

Kyocera or its representative provides at least a one year standard warranty as basis. In this case you must return the product to a specific address or shopping source. Our hotline specialists will provide you with the details required for the transport of the product or the mandatory identification number for your return shipment. Upon diagnosis of the fault, the product will be serviced as quickly and reliably as possible by an authorised Kyocera service partner or at a Kyocera Repair Center in your country.

Long-life Components Warranty

Most Kyocera products have particularly long lasting components installed, such as the image drum, which protects the environment and reduces printing costs. Kyocera usually offers an extended warranty for these components as standard. For more information, please visit your local service and support website.

For all detailed country and product specific warranty conditions and service offerings please refer to the Service and Support section of your local Kyocera homepage first.

close up of someone writing

Extend Your Warranty

Make sure that you avoid your investment running out of warranty and being unprotected by extending your existing packaging.

colleagues working together

Check Your Warranty

Need to check if your warranty is still valid?

Get in touch with us, we can't wait to hear from you.

Have a question about Kyocera or need more information? Ask a Kyocera expert for help and advice.

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