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You can request a new account by submitting your details to your local sales centre. Upon approval, we will email you a temporary password.
At present, registered users are restricted to Partners and Employees of Kyocera Document Solutions. Please note that your local legacy Extranet are still available and accessible to you via the button below.
The long-life technology of Kyocera's ECOSYS devices delivers high quality prints, year in and year out. It reduces downtimes to an absolute minimum so that work in the office keeps flowing, and, of course, we back all this up with a standard two year warranty.
KYOlife and KYOlife PLUS improve on the outstanding reliability of Kyocera printers and A4 multi-functional products by adding complete peace of mind. These warranty extensions give you fast access to trained specialists who are ready to take care of the unexpected. In the unlikely event that the devices you rely on for high quality output require attention, KYOlife is your guarantee that they will be quickly repaired or replaced. Some clients have said it serves almost as an insurance policy for your office’s productivity.
KYOlife is your guarantee for long-term security both in terms of availability and unforeseen maintenance. By extending the warranty coverage with KYOlife you can protect the workflow and output of your device for a total of three, four or even five years. The extended coverage provides full protection from possible repair costs and includes fast and efficient service in the event of a breakdown*.
*According to the KYOlife terms and conditions.
If your daily printer output is vital to your business, we can offer you complete peace of mind. In addition to a warranty extension which covers your printer for a full three, four or even five years, KYOlife PLUS also features a yearly check-up. Carried out by an authorised Kyocera Service Partner, this planned preventative maintenance is an additional safety net that ensures perfect print-outs and maintains office productivity.
You can upgrade to KYOlife or KYOlife PLUS at any point within one year of purchasing your Kyocera device. It is a simple upgrade, yet it will give you the peace of mind that comes from knowing that even unforeseen maintenance and repair expenses are under control.
*Available in selected countries only.
Check whether your device's warranty is still valid.