Please enter your username or email. We’ll send you an email with instructions on how to reset your password. If you have forgotten your username, did not receive the email to reset your password or need help, contact our support team.
Hvis du har skrevet en korrekt e-mail i vores database, svarer vi indenfor...
You can request a new account by submitting your details to your local sales centre. Upon approval, we will email you a temporary password.
At present, registered users are restricted to Partners and Employees of Kyocera Document Solutions. Please note that your local legacy Extranet are still available and accessible to you via the button below.
At the core of Kyocera's corporate philosophy is the basic foundation of providing an excellent service to our customers. We are constantly looking to improve our customers' experience by working day in, day out to ensure that our service platform is professional and responsive, rapidly resolving any problem that could arise.
Kyocera's service platform unites all of our service offers, from across all 17 nations that we operate in and the 80 nations where we have a presence through distributors with over 5,000 certified and trained partners across Europe, the Middle East and Africa.
As Kyocera continues to grow, our global presence and our service organisations play a greater role than ever in the customer experience journey. Alongside a society which is experiencing gradual digital transformation development, our services are also benefiting from new technology and from what it has to offer to meet and exceed customer expectations.
By facing the challenge of digital transformation head on, our entire service network is using its passion for innovation to achieve this.
On a global scale, our European headquarter's service department manages the service framework across the EMEA regions, providing escalation management services, global technical and business support, tools, technologies and methodologies to our affiliates, distributors and partners.
With this approach we make sure that every customer, regardless of their size, location or needs, has access to the same standardised service portfolio with professionals in their own country and language. Whether it is a regular break and fix service or a more complex scenario, our reliable and professional team of service experts is here to help.
Change service complexity into valuable business simplicity
Take a look at our range of printers, multifunctional and software products.
Discover what makes Kyocera different and learn all about our organisation.