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Kyocera has been named among the world’s top 500 most sustainable businesses in 2024 by TIME in collaboration with Statista


Schiphol-Rijk, The Netherlands – Kyocera Document Solutions Europe Management B.V., one of the world’s leading document solutions companies, is pleased to announce that the parent company Kyocera Corporation has been named among the world’s top 500 most sustainable companies in 2024 by TIME in collaboration with Statista.

For the first time, TIME and data giant Statista have created a rigorous methodology with which to measure the world’s most sustainable companies for 2024, and Kyocera has made the list, having fulfilled several key criteria. The companies at the top of the list comply with some of the most respected global climate programs, such as the 1.5°C target from the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi).

TIME and Statista also assessed companies based on their Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions reductions from 2021 and 2022 (the most recent years fully reported). Scope 1 emissions are directly caused by companies, while Scope 2 emissions are created when a company purchases power. The proportion of renewable energy used in companies’ operations was also a factor.

Kyocera has been recognised for the eco-friendly efforts that form a significant part of its company culture and business model. At Kyocera Document Solutions division, we produce sustainable hardware, and our software solutions help companies move toward paperless workflows by facilitating digitisation.

At Kyocera, we believe in doing what is right as human beings.”

Our customer-centric and sustainable printing devices are long-life, low cost, and produce less waste. We were the first manufacturer to develop a cartridge-free system for laser printers. Moreover, our ECOSYS devices are built with durable parts and our print drums are designed to yield more prints before replacement, thus reducing plastic and consumable waste. They also consume less energy than other devices on the market, reducing their carbon footprint. 

world most sustainable companies

We offer comprehensive document management through our cloud-based solutions to help reduce unnecessary use of paper and streamline data governance digitally. Our print software solutions also help organisations cut down on paper and ink consumption by offering print policies and monitoring. Not only does this save companies money, but it also reduces their carbon footprint. 

Additionally, our inkjet commercial printers are some of the most sustainable on the market. The TASKalfa Pro 15000c and TASKalfa Pro 55000c use water-based inks with no harmful chemicals and are designed to use less energy. Meanwhile, FOREARTH, our eco-friendly textile printer uses almost zero water, significantly reducing water usage in the fashion industry. Our inkjet solutions help companies reduce their environmental impact while never compromising on quality, as they produce vibrant results every time.

About Kyocera Document Solutions Europe Management B.V.

Kyocera Document Solutions Europe Management B.V. is a group company of Kyocera Document Solutions Inc., a global leading provider of total document solutions based in Osaka, Japan. The company’s portfolio includes reliable and eco-friendly MFPs and printers, as well as business applications and consultative services which enable customers to optimise and manage their document workflow, reaching new heights of efficiency. With professional expertise and a culture of empathetic partnership, the objective of the company is to help organisations put knowledge to work to drive change. 

Kyocera Document Solutions Inc. is a group company of Kyocera Corporation (Kyocera), a leading supplier of semiconductor packages, industrial and automotive components, semiconductor packages, electronic devices, smart energy systems, printers, copiers, and mobile phones. During the year ended March 31, 2023, the Kyocera Group’s consolidated sales revenue totalled 2 trillion yen (approx. US$15.1 billion). Kyocera is ranked #672 on Forbes magazine’s 2023 “Global 2000” list of the world’s largest publicly traded companies, and has been named by The Wall Street Journal among “The World’s 100 Most Sustainably Managed Companies.”

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