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Kyocera’s product packaging for colour A4 printer wins the 2024 WorldStar award


Schiphol-Rijk, The Netherlands–Kyocera Document Solutions Europe, B.V., one of the world’s leading document solutions companies, is pleased to announce that its product packaging for colour A4 printers won the 2024 WorldStar Award at the WorldStar Global Packaging Awards* organized by the World Packaging Organisation**. This contest is the largest in the global packaging field.

For more than 20 years, we have been developing environmentally friendly MFPs and printers with long-life components and low waste, minimising the number of consumable parts for disposal. We have also been striving to create greener packaging by using mainly pulp moulds and corrugated board made from recycled paper to reduce use of plastic. Winning this packaging award once more is testament to our continued commitment to a more sustainable future.

“We are incredibly proud of this prestigious award that recognises the tremendous value we place on sustainability here at Kyocera,” says Takuya Marubayashi, President of Kyocera Document Solutions Europe, B.V. “At Kyocera, we place both customer needs and sustainability at the heart of our innovation, and as our sustainable paper packaging demonstrates, we are fully committed to playing our part in building a brighter future.”

"We are fully committed to playing our part in building a brighter future

We have been working to improve the repeated shock resistance of paper cushioning material for some time. This has previously been a weak point of paper packaging, as, unlike plastic cushioning material, paper does not generally have resilience, so its cushioning performance deteriorates over time. We improved the repeated cushioning performance by adopting a support shape in the corrugated packaging, and a shape in pulp mould that prevents collapse and breakage.

As a result, the impact value was reduced by up to 61% in our trials. We dropped our product five times consecutively on four sides to evaluate the packaging’s repeated cushioning performance, and thus our new cushioning material was adopted.


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* An international packaging award organized by the World Packaging Organisation since 1970.

** The Japan Packaging Institute was founded on September 6, 1968, in Tokyo as a non-profit international non-governmental organization by packaging leaders from around the world, including the Japan Packaging Institute. It is an international federation of national representative packaging associations, regional packaging federations, and other related organizations including individuals, corporations, and trade associations.

World Packaging Organisation

About Kyocera Document Solutions Europe

Kyocera Document Solutions Europe is a group company of Kyocera Document Solutions Inc., a global leading provider of total document solutions based in Osaka, Japan. The company’s portfolio includes reliable and eco-friendly MFPs and printers, as well as business applications and consultative services which enable customers to optimise and manage their document workflow, reaching new heights of efficiency. With professional expertise and a culture of empathetic partnership, the objective of the company is to help organisations put knowledge to work to drive change.

Kyocera Document Solutions Inc. is a group company of Kyocera Corporation (Kyocera), a leading supplier of semiconductor packages, industrial and automotive components, semiconductor packages, electronic devices, smart energy systems, printers, copiers, and mobile phones. During the year ended March 31, 2023, the Kyocera Group’s consolidated sales revenuetotalled2 trillion yen (approx. US$15.1 billion). Kyocera is ranked #672 on Forbes magazine’s 2023 “Global 2000” list of the world’s largest publicly traded companies, and has been named by The Wall Street Journal among “The World’s 100 Most Sustainably Managed Companies.”

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