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TASKalfa 5004i

Understøtter papirstørrelser fra A6 til SRA3, kapacitet op til 7,150 ark.

  • Bredt udvalg af farvescannings- og efterbehandlingsmuligheder.
  • Indbyggede sikkerhedsfunktioner, inklusiv datakryptering.
  • Spar tid og øg produktiviteten med Human Detection Sensor.

Op til 50 sider A4 pr minut op til 25 sider A3 pr minut Duplex udskriftshastighed: 50 sider pr. minut, A4 Duplex kopieringshastighed: 50 sider pr. minut, A4


4800 dpi tilsvarende x 1200 dpi (print) 600 x 600 dpi (scan/kopi)

What makes the TASKalfa 5004i unique?

Find out why this multifunctional device offers so much more when it comes to user experience, data security, and artificial intelligence.

  • TASKalfa screen

    New Simple, Intuitive and Efficient User Interface

    The operation panel matches the latest industry trends, enabling users a near real smart tablet experience with its intuitive benefits. Kyocera’s latest MFP series introduces a new simple, intuitive and efficient UI designed to achieve greater business efficiency.

    Read more about the Kyocera's new brand identity here?

    New Simple, Intuitive and Efficient User Interface

    New Simple, Intuitive and Efficient User Interface

    The TASKalfa 5004i is equipped with a 10.1 inch RESISTIVE display; intuitive, easy-to-use, and full-colour touch panel.

  • hands at work

    Information Protection

    Our top priority is to keep your confidential information safe. We therefore continuously update our security measures to guarantee protection against increasing risks.

    Scanning documents to external destinations make them vulnerable for leakage to unauthorised sources. Kyocera MFP's employ several security features to combat such threats while maintaining the three security attributes (CIA): Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability.

    Information Protection

    Information Protection

    Working around the clock to enhance data security and protect your assets at every step of the process.

  • hand holding a chip

    Introducing Artificial Intelligence

    The use of artificial intelligence technology is introduced with our latest TASKalfa 5004i. The two functionalities added to these new devices include Super Resolution and Handwriting.

    Super Resolution is integrated via the KX printer driver, allowing you to print low-resolution photos in high quality. The function recognises images by comparing it with information on an internal image library and converts low-resolution photos, and logo images to higher resolutions.

    Erase and Highlight Handwriting allows the user to emphasise the handwritten part of the document without changing the format or image. This functionality is exceptionally beneficial for proofreading documents, questionnaires, documents, drawings, etc., especially when reviewing thin lines and small characters.

    Introducing Artificial Intelligence

    Introducing Artificial Intelligence

    Kyocera releases new functions utilising AI technology to improve the performance and productivity of your business's printing needs.

Main Specifications

  • General
  • Paper handling
  • Print
  • Copy
  • Scan
  • Fax
Monochrome multifunctional for A3 format
Op til 50 sider A4 pr minut op til 25 sider A3 pr minut Duplex udskriftshastighed: 50 sider pr. minut, A4 Duplex kopieringshastighed: 50 sider pr. minut, A4
Ca. 17 sekunder eller mindre
Udskrift: 740 W Kopiering: 740 W Strømsparetilstand: 50 W Klartilstand: 50 W Sovetilstand: 0.7 W
150-arks multifunktionsbakke, 52 - 300 g/m2 (Banner 136 - 163 g/m2 ), A6R - SRA3 (320 × 450 mm), Brugerdefineret (98 x 148 til 297 x 457.2 mm) Banner max. 304.8 x 1.220 mm Standard universal papir kassette: 2 x 500 ark 52 - 300g/m2, Øvre kassette A6R op til A4R, Nedre kassette A6R op til SRA3
Maks. inputkapacitet (med tilbehør)
7,150 ark A4
Duplex unit
Standard 64 til 256 g/m2 SRA3 til A6R
Maks. 4300 ark, 500 ark med forsiden nedad (hovedbakke)
Document processor
ARM A53 (Quad Core) 1.6GHz
93 konturskrifttyper (PCL), 136 skrifttyper (KPDL3) 8 skrifttyper (Windows Vista), 1 bitmap skrifttype, 45 typer éndimensionale stregkoder plus 1 type todimensionel stregkode (PDF417)
Krypteret PDF, Direct Print, IPP-udskrift, e-mail-udskrivning, WSD-udskrivning, sikker udskrivning via SSL, IPsec,SNMPv3, hurtig kopi, kontrolkopi, privatudskrivning, joblagrings-funktionalitet
Krav til OS
Alle nuværende Windows-operativsystemer, Mac OS X version 10.9 eller højere, UNIX LINUX, såvel som andre operativsystemer efter anmodning.
Max. original size
A3, Ledger
Continuous copy
1 - 999
Zoom range
25 - 400 % i 1 % trin
Preset magnification ratios
5 reduktioner / 5 forstørrelser
Image adjustments
Tekst + foto, tekst, foto, diagram/kort
Digital copy features
Scan én gang - kopier mange, elektronisk sortering, 2i1, 4i1, billedgentagelseskopiering, sidenummerering, omslagstilstand, bookletkopi, afbryd kopi, formular skabelon, margin skift, automatisk kassette skift, ID copy, skip blank side
Scan functionalities
Scan til e-mail, scan til FTP, scan til SMB, Scan til USB vært, Scan til box, Network TWAIN, WIA/WSD scan
Scan speed
220 ipm (300 dpi, A4, duplex, s/h, med DP-7130) 220 ipm (300 dpi, A4, duplex, farve, med DP-7130)
Scan resolution
A4 -600dpi x 600dpi , 400dpi x 400dpi , 200dpi x 400dpi, 300dpi x 300dpi , 200dpi x 200dpi , 200dpi x 100dpi 256 gråtoner pr. Farve
Max. scan size
A3, Ledger
File type
TIFF, PDF, PDF/A, JPEG, Open XPS, Krypteret PDF, Stærkt komprimeret PDF, PDF/A-1a/b, PDF/A-2a/b/u, Søgbar PDF (tilvalg), MS Office File (tilvalg)
Original recognition
Tekst, foto, tekst + foto, lys tekst / fine linjer, optimeret til OCR
ITU-T Super G3
Modem speed
Maks. 33,6 kbps
Scanning speed
2.0 seconds or less
Transmission speed
Mindre end 3 sekunder (JBIG)
Scanning density
Normal: 200 x 100 dpi, fine: 200 x 200 dpi, superfine: 200 x 400 dpi, Ultrafine: 400 x 400 dpi, halftone: 256 greyscales
Max. original size
A3, Ledger, Banner: 1600mm
Fax features
Netværk fax, rotere transmission, rotere modtagelse, krypteret transmission og modtagelse, duplex fax modtagelse, hukommelse modtagelse, postkasse, fjerndiagnostik, polling transmission og modtagelse, udsendelse, valgfri internet-fax, dual fax med andet fax system 12

Options and consumables

Paper handling options
  • Paper handling options
  • Options

Card Authentication Kit (B)
Support for various authentication keys available

Gigabit-Ethernetkort 10BaseT/100BaseTX/1000BaseT

Grænseflade til trådløst LAN (802.11b/g/n)

KYOmulticode SD 3
Udbygger KYOCERA maskinen med yderligere en- og to-dimensionelle stregkoder (inklusiv de indbyggede maskinlæsbare skrifttyper OCR-A og OCR-B)

PCL Barcode SD
Indeholder al funktionaliteten fra PCL Barcode Flash og Unicode skrifttypen ”Andala Mono World Type”, der giver brugeren mulighed for at udskrive en række asiatiske skrifttyper (Japansk, Koreansk, aktuel og traditionel Kinesisk)


USB IC-kortlæser + Kortgodkendelsessæt (B)
Understøttelse af forskellige autenticeringsnøgler tilgængelig

Udvidelsessæt til scanning (A):
Scanning til søgbar PDF (indbygget OCR)


  • TASKalfa 5004i Drivere
  • TASKalfa 5004i Dokumentation
  • TASKalfa 5004i Software

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Want to know more?

Perfect for businesses of any size, click below to request a quote.

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