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TASKalfa 508ci

The TASKalfa 508ci is a powerful A4 colour MFP for small to medium sized workgroups in medium to large corporate environment where durable operations and flexible finishing are required. A renewed 7" operation screen with intuitive operation such as scroll and slide, pinch in/pinch out like smartphones and tablets. Advanced security functionality like secure boot, Trusted Platform Module (TPM) and standard Data Security Kit.

  • Single pass document processor with double feed and staple detection.
  • Standard double-sided colour print, copy, scan and optional fax functionality.
  • High-level build in security features including data encryption, Trusted Platform Module and Secure Boot.
  • Flexible Finishing options including staple and hole-punch.

Op til 40 sider A4 per minut i farger, s/h , simplex, duplex


1200 x 1200 dpi (udskrivning med reduceret hastighed), multibit-teknologi til udskriftskvalitet på op til 9.600 x 600 dpi (print), 600 x 600 dpi, 256 gråtoner pr. farve (scan / kopi)


Scanhastighed DP-5100: op til 60 ipm (300 dpi, A4, s/h), 40 ipm (600 dpi, A4 b / w, 300 dpi, A4, farve) Scanhastighed DP-5110: op til 120 ipm (300 dpi, A4, s/h), 80 ipm (300 dpi, A4, farve)

Tid til første print
Tid til første print

Ca. 5,4 (s/h)/ 6,4 (farve) sekunder eller mindre

Enhanced security options to help keep your office safe

The new TASKalfa series proudly combines a versatile user interface with improved security options to ensure high levels of security in the workspace while improving productivity levels.

  • man looking into a screen

    A user-friendly experience

    Users can now operate the interface more intuitively. The full-colour touch panel incorporates a new slide, pinch in and pinch out tablet like functionality that makes complex tasks, such as producing booklets or scanning huge documents, simpler.

    A user-friendly experience

    A user-friendly experience

    The new user interface has a tablet like functionality allowing for an intuitive and improved user experience.

  • man looking to papers

    State of the art features

    New features such as a document processor, allowing for up to 170 documents to be scanned per minute, a double feed detection unit and an innovative staple detection function, make the device perfect for any industry looking to optimise their workflows.

    State of the art features

    State of the art features

    Scanning in large quantities has never been easier with the latest technology used in features built into new TASKalfa devices.

  • man looking to papers

    Keeping you safe from security threats

    The new TASKalfa series equips you with enhanced security management options. You are kept increasingly secure thanks to KYOCERA Net Manager and Trusted Platform Module ensuring your device is kept safe from any security challenges you might face.

    Keeping you safe from security threats

    Keeping you safe from security threats

    With a Date Security Kit now included as standard, the new TASKalfa series will help prevent data leaks from occurring.

Main Specifications

  • General
  • Paper handling
  • Print
  • Copy
  • Scan
  • Fax
MFP til A4-format
Op til 40 sider A4 per minut i farger, s/h , simplex, duplex
Ca. 24 sekunder eller mindre
Kopi / Print: 752 W, Klartilstand: 110 W, Strømbesparelsestilstand: 64 W, Sovetilstand: 1.6 W, Auto-off: 0.3 W
Kommentar til garanti
1 year
100-arks multifunktionel bakke; 60 - 220 g / m²; A4, A5, A6, B5, B6, Letter, Legal, Custom (70 x 148 mm - 216 x 356 mm), Banner (op til 216 x 1.220mm, 129-163 g / m²) 500 arks universalkassette; 60 - 220 g / m²; A4, A5, A6, B5, B6, Letter, Legal, Custom (105 x 148 - 216 x 356 mm).
Maks. inputkapacitet (med tilbehør)
3,100 ark
Duplex unit
Duplex funktjonalitet som standard: Dobbeltsiddet udskrift: 60 - 220 g / m²; A4, A5, B5, Letter, Legal
Maks. 500 sider med forsiden nedad med fuld papirsensor
Document processor
DP-5100 : RADF 75 pgs (opt) DP-5120: 100 pgs DSDP (opt) DP-5130: DSDP 270 pgs with double feed detection (opt)
Freescale QorIQ T1024(Dual Core) 1.0GHz
93 skalerbare PCL-skrifttyper, 136 skalerbare PostScript-skrifttyper, 8 skrifttyper til Windows Vista, 1 bitmap skrifttype, 45 stregkoder (for eksempel EAN8, EAN13, EAN128) med automatisk generering af checksum samt understøttelse af todimensionale stregkoder PDF-417 under PRESCRIBE (PCL og andre stregkoder tilgængelig som en mulighed)
Sikkerhedsfunktioner: IPSec, HTTPS, SNMPv3, IPPS, Krypteret PDF Direct Print, Privat Udskriv, Sikker udskrivning via SSL, POPover SSL, SMTP over SSL, Adgangskontrol via integreret afdelingskoder, Data Security Kit (E) beskytter data på HDD
Krav til OS
Alle nuværende Windows-operativsystemer, Mac OS X Version 10.5 eller nyere, Unix, Linux samt andre operativsystemer efter anmodning
Maks. originalstørrelse
Fortløbende kopiering
1 - 9,999
25 - 400 % i 1 % trin
Faste zoomindstillinger
7 reduktioner / 5 forstørrelser
Tekst + Foto, Foto, Tekst, Kort, Udskrevet dokument
Digitale kopifunktioner
Automatisk farvetilstand, Scan én gang - kopier mange, elektronisk sortering, 2i1, 4i1, ID-kort kopi, jobreserve, prioriteret udskrivning, program, automatisk duplex kopi, delt kopi, kontinuerlig scanning, kopi preview, billede gentag kopi nummerering, stempelfunktion, formularoverlay og spring over tom sidefunktion.
Scan til e-mail (SMTP over SSL), Scan til FTP (FTP over SSL), Scan til SMB, Scan til USB-vært, Scan til Dokumentboks (HDD), TWAIN-scanning (USB, netværk), WSD (WIA) scanning (USB, netværk)
Scanhastighed DP-5100: op til 60 ipm (300 dpi, A4, s/h), 40 ipm (600 dpi, A4 b / w, 300 dpi, A4, farve) Scanhastighed DP-5110: op til 120 ipm (300 dpi, A4, s/h), 80 ipm (300 dpi, A4, farve)
Scan features
Integreret adressebog, Active Directory-understøttelse, krypteret dataoverførsel, multisend (e-mail, fax, SMB / FTP-mappe, udskrivning) på en gang, scan til HDD, scanning forhåndsvisning
600, 400, 300, 200 dpi (256 gråtoner pr. farve)
Maks. scanstørrelse
A4 / Legal, Banner 216 x 1900 mm (8,5 x 72 tommer)
TIFF, PDF, PDF / A, høj komprimering PDF, krypteret PDF, søgbar PDF (Option), JPEG, XPS, Open XPS
Tekst + Foto, Foto, Tekst, Lys tekst / Fin linje, Tekst (optimeret til OCR)
ITU-T Super G3
Maks. 33,6 kbps
2 sekunder
Mindre end 3 sekunder
Normal: 200 x 100 dpi, Fin: 200 x 200 dpi, Superfin: 200 x 400 dpi, Ultrafin: 400 x 400 dpi, 600 x 600 dpi, Halvtone: 256 gråtoner
Maks. originalstørrelse
A4, Legal, Bannker op til 1.600 mm
Netværk fax, duplex transmission og modtagelse, krypteret transmission og modtagelse, polling transmission og modtagelse, udsendelse, Internet Fax option: T.37 via SMTP / POP3 server

Options and Consumables

Paper handling options
  • Paper handling options
  • Consumables
  • Options

Hæftepatron 3 x 5.000

Toner cyan for 18,000 pages. Average continuous toner yield in accordance with 5 % coverage (A4).

Toner black for 24,000 pages. Average continuous toner yield in accordance with 5 % coverage (A4).

Toner magenta for 18,000 pages. Average continuous toner yield in accordance with 5 % coverage (A4).

Toner yellow for 18,000 pages. Average continuous toner yield in accordance with 5 % coverage (A4).

Waste Toner Bottle: 44,000 sheets (in accordance with 5% coverage b/w:colour=7:3)

Wooden desk (high)

Wooden desk (low)

Metal desk (high)

Metal desk (low)

Card Authentication Kit (B)
Support for various authentication keys available

Card Reader Holder (11)
To integrate the USB IC Card Reader

Super G3 Fax, network fax, (max. 2 can be install, dual fax)

Direct WiFi Interface

Gigabit-Ethernetkort 10BaseT/100BaseTX/1000BaseT

Grænseflade til trådløst LAN (802.11b/g/n)

NK-7100 (B)
Numeric keypad make it easier to enter large amounts of numeric data.

Stabilizer for Cabinet

Sæt til internetfax
Type A


Emulering (IBM Proprinter/EPSON LQ-850)

USB IC-kortlæser + Kortgodkendelsessæt (B)
Understøttelse af forskellige autenticeringsnøgler tilgængelig

Udvidelsessæt til scanning (A):
Scanning til søgbar PDF (indbygget OCR)

  • TASKalfa 508ci Drivere
  • TASKalfa 508ci Dokumentation
  • TASKalfa 508ci Software

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