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Kyocera Cloud Information Manager

Manage your digital business content with Kyocera's Cloud Document Management platform.
Kyocera Cloud Information Manager

With the new trend of remote working, Kyocera Cloud Information Manager (KCIM) can enable your business to improve flexibility and performance by allowing full control over your documents. A SaaS platform that facilitates the storage and management of all your digital documents in a secure online archive.

Ways in which Kyocera Cloud Information Manager (KCIM) can support your digitalization process.

  • Cloud based access to your business documents
    The KCIM platform enables quick and secure access to your business documents through a web browser; therefore, users can access files wherever they are.
  • Ensure your documents are secure with Enhanced Security
    The KCIM platform stores documents in an encrypted server, where users with the right credentials are granted access
  • Easily Store and Find your Business Documents
    The KCIM platform “one click indexing” feature simplifies the labeling of documents and highlighting of keywords. This ensures all documents are easily found in the future.
  • Provide access to documents to users based on requirements
    KCIM provides a highly secure document management platform that allows administrators to manage access by document or user category.

Making your Hybrid Workspace Smarter

The KCIM platform supports various types of digital documents; thanks to the intuitive and easy to use functions of the web browser interface, the uploading and finding of documents is fast, secure and simple process.
Multi-tenant software

Reduce your operational costs using the multi-tenant software hosted in the cloud with Google Cloud Platform (GCP).

Supporting the Hybrid Business

The KCIM platform enables quick and secure access to your business documents through a web browser;

Easily organise with Simple Keyword Tagging

An efficient way to save keywords and index your files.

Document & Data Search

KCIM's powerful search filters can narrow down your search query using a variety of options. Ex: Created on, Creator etc

Data Validation

When Indexing an important document you can request that the data be validated to ensure accuracy in future searches.


Capture documents with your smartphone and send them to KCIM with the mobile application.

Platform Security

Upload and store documents securely while ensuring that only authorised users have access to the information.


Organize your documents into a folder structure for convenient browsing.


Add comments to a document to increase collaboration and provide important context for future document searches.


View the history of changes made to a document. A user can filter by date, metadata and when the document was created.

Browser support

Minimum Edge 92, Chrome 70 or Safari 14

Language Support

English, German, French, Italian, additional languages to be added

MFP Device Compaitibility

Comptible Kyocera HyPAS MFP's

Mobile Device Support

Minimum Android v6 or iOS v14

Kyocera Cloud Information Manager Legal Documents

  • KCIM: Privacy Statement

    How we process personal data in relation to Kyocera Cloud Information Manager, where Kyocera acts as data controller.

  • End User License Agreement (EULA)

    Read the License which sets out the terms and conditions on which the Licensor permits the End User to use Kyocera Cloud Information Manager

  • Data Processing Terms and Conditions

    How Kyocera processes personal data as a data processor on behalf of data controllers.

hand working with a tablet

About Kyocera Capture Manager

Thanks to the strong integration with Kyocera Capture Manager (KCM), document capture can be done easily.

Talk to us, we're human

Our support team is here to help you with any queries about Kyocera products and services.

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