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KYOCERA Cloud Print

Secure print from the Cloud
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Printing via the Cloud or with services such as Google Cloud Print is becoming increasingly popular as companies make the move from physical to Cloud storage and Cloud environments. However, how do companies monitor what their employees are printing via the Cloud? And most importantly, how do they ensure the security of their printed documents?

Through integrating with user authentication solutions such as PaperCut, Equitrac and Safecom, Cloud Print enables both user authentication and single sign-on, meaning users can print from their Google Docs and Apps via the Cloud to any KYOCERA HyPAS™ enabled device quickly and securely.

Supported devices

Compatible with all HyPAS™ enabled MFPs and TASKalfa i devices


User authentication and single sign-on

Print anywhere

Easily print your documents via Google Docs and Google Apps

Your advantages with Cloud Print

If your office is moving towards the Cloud and want to introduce Cloud printing that is secure and that I can monitor, this app is the answer.
Print from the Cloud
Print your documents directly from Google Docs or Google Apps on a PC, smartphone or tablet.
Single sign-on
Integrate existing user authentication with Cloud Print to provide single sign-on and seamlessly print documents.
Document security
Print documents to print via the Cloud but they will not release until the user signs into the device.
Move towards the Cloud
An easy way to introduce Cloud printing that is secure and you can monitor

Talk to us, we're human

Our support team is here to help you with any queries about Kyocera products and services.

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