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Kyocera’s inkjet solution facilitates eco-friendly textile printing

Kyocera’s sustainable FOREARTH textile printer uses virtually zero water.

Kyocera’s new eco-friendly inkjet solution, FOREARTH, is here to revolutionise digital textile printing. This sustainable inkjet solution will allow the fashion industry to reduce its significant carbon footprint and impact on the world’s clean water. Traditional textile printing uses large volumes of water, and has long been associated with water pollution. FOREARTH, on the other hand, opens doors to eco-friendly textile printing for a greener future.

Governments and organisations around the world are coming together to set sustainability goals, reduce waste, and work toward carbon net-zero by 2050. Kyocera developed FOREARTH to reduce environmental impacts such as the large amount of water pollution and carbon emissions caused by textile printing.

Sustainable textile printing

According to the European Parliament, textile printing in the fashion industry is responsible for a fifth of the world’s water pollution and a tenth of its carbon emissions. When you consider the impact of fast fashion on demand for new textiles to be printed, it is clear that something needs to change before consumer desires for the latest fashion push global warming past a point of no return.

This is where Kyocera’s FOREARTH comes into the equation. The FOREARTH initiative is set to significantly change the textile industry and its impact on the environment. While traditional dye printing uses, on average, 153L of water per 1kg of fabric, Kyocera’s sustainable inkjet textile printer uses just 0.2L of water per 1kg of fabric printed. The printing process is virtually water free, and the maintenance process uses recycled water to clean the conveyer belt. By filtering and reusing cleaning water, FOREARTH significantly reduces water use and water pollution. 

This sustainable solution opens new avenues to sustainable business practices for the fashion industry. Firstly, textile printing becomes less dependent on large water sources, so factories can set up in almost any location. On top of that, FOREARTH is capable of printing on diverse materials, so fashion brands do not need to buy multiple machines for different fabrics. 

When one machine can do the job of many, companies do not need to worry about expanding their premises to make room for multiple textile printers or finding the budget to purchase several print solutions. Moreover, with the reduced water usage and simpler printing process, companies save money on water and energy bills. FOREARTH makes textile printing more sustainable both in terms of its environmental impact and in terms of fashion companies’ ability to thrive in a competitive market.

Sustainability goals in the fashion industry

Kyocera is providing a sustainable solution for the fashion industry as several top fashion and textile brands work toward eco targets and make ambitious environmental pledges. At the 2019 G7 summit in France, 32 large companies joined the Fashion Pact, agreeing to tackle climate change, restore biodiversity, and protect the oceans. Fashion brands such as Adidas, Chanel, H&M, and Mango are part of the modern movement toward more sustainable fashion and a greener future for everyone. 

The solution to meet these goals lies in water and waste reduction, which is the backbone of the FOREARTH concept. While other methods such as traditional screen printing are still more commonly used for textiles, digital inkjet printing is the future for the fashion industry.

Inkjet technology = FOREARTH success 

Inkjet uses pigment-based inks rather than traditional dye-based inks, which are dissolved in water. Many producers of vibrant textiles have expressed uncertainty about inkjet’s ability to produce colours as bright as more traditional methods, as well as concerns about the feel of the fabric once printing is completed. The outcomes have shown that inkjet is up to the job. The results are consistently vibrant, with fabrics feeling soft to the touch. 

FOREARTH produces such quality results by applying a pre-treatment liquid and finishing agent to fabrics via the printheads that also release the pigments. Kyocera’s smart solution ensures fashion companies can meet sustainability goals while also producing excellent quality results.

Implementing sustainable textile printing practices

Whatever your textile printing needs, Kyocera’s solution is here to help. FOREARTH allows for optimal creativity, as you can print on versatile fabrics in vibrant colours. Companies that employ Kyocera’s sustainable solution enjoy financial savings, location freedom, and soft-feeling print results. Moreover, it is the sustainable solution the fashion industry has been waiting for.

As shown in its green skills report created alongside with Economist Impact, when it comes to sustainability, Kyocera walks the walk. The study explored the knowledge, abilities, values, and attitudes of 300 executives across six global cities to support greener business models. You can read the Economist Impact report to discover how cities are leading the charge on the transition to more sustainable business processes around the world.

"FOREARTH opens doors to sustainable textile printing for a greener future.

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