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How Kyocera enhances productivity of hybrid work policy

Kyocera optimises hybrid work with tools for collaboration and document management from anywhere.
productivity of hybrid work policy

As hybrid working policies become the norm, businesses must find ways to balance flexibility with efficiency. Kyocera enhances the productivity of hybrid working policy by providing the tools for collaboration and workflow optimisation. A well-implemented hybrid working policy can transform day-to-day operations, facilitating collaboration, boosting output and improving employee satisfaction metrics. Kyocera is leading the way, offering innovative technology that enhances the productivity of hybrid working policies while preparing organisations for future change.

Enabling seamless collaboration

A successful hybrid working policy depends on seamless collaboration between remote and office teams. Kyocera’s cloud-based solutions, such as Kyocera Cloud Information Manager (KCIM), provide secure and easy access to documents from anywhere, ensuring that irrespective of location, nobody falls behind. By integrating document workflows with cloud technology, KCIM improves efficiency, enabling hybrid teams to work on shared projects in real-time. Whether they’re drawing up contracts from home or contributing to a presentation in the office, KCIM bridges the gap between locations to keep work moving smoothly.

Kyocera’s multi-function printers (MFPs) complement hybrid workflows by enabling the painless digitisation of physical documents. Scanning directly to the cloud means that vital information is accessible to all team members, regardless of their location. Implementation of Kyocera’s desktop printers like the ECOSYS series, means workers can make a document accessible to the whole team in seconds. This hybrid-friendly approach ensures that physical and digital workspaces are fully connected.

Flexible technology for a dynamic workforce

Hybrid working policies require flexibility, and Kyocera’s solutions are built with adaptability in mind. The ECOSYS printer range, known for durability and energy efficiency, ensures reliable support for both remote and office-based employees. Tools like Kyocera Enterprise Information Manager (KEIM) automate repetitive workflows, letting employees focus on higher-priority tasks that move a business toward its objectives. This flexibility allows companies to adjust as the demands of hybrid work evolve, ensuring that policies remain effective over time. Whether it's handling sudden shifts in remote work or scaling up to meet growing demands, Kyocera's solutions are designed to adapt and grow alongside you.

Flexibility allows companies to adjust as the demands of hybrid work evolve.”

Securing hybrid workplaces

Remote working policies can often be limited by security. No compromises can or should be made on data security, which often leads to limited remote work capabilities. With confidential data moving between locations, it’s essential to have robust protections in place. Kyocera’s devices and software are equipped with features like advanced data encryption, user authentication, and secure printing, ensuring that information remains safe.

Data encryption means that in the unlikely case of a successful attack, the data stolen would be completely encrypted and only decipherable with an encryption key.

User authentication means that only authorised users can access, edit, and print a file, allowing you to minimise the chances of internal data breaches.

Secure print release ensures that confidential documents are not left unattended at the printer and are only released when the authorised personnel verify themselves. 

These measures are crucial for businesses operating in hybrid environments, reducing risks while maintaining productivity.

Sustainability of hybrid work

A productive hybrid working policy must be both operationally and environmentally feasible. Kyocera’s ECOSYS printers are designed with long-lasting components, minimising waste and reducing maintenance needs. This results in low downtime which keeps employees focused on their work instead of troubleshooting equipment.

Additionally, the implementation of a solution like KCIM negates the need for physical file storage and on-site servers. This makes notable savings on paper usage and energy consumption while also enhancing flexibility through the use of the cloud. This removes barriers to productive hybrid work while driving offices towards sustainability.

Productivity vs employee satisfaction

Productivity is one of the primary concerns when we discuss the application of remote work to modern businesses. However, a recent study by Stanford found that hybrid work benefits both companies and employees. With the right management and right infrastructure, it was found that it “had zero effect on workers’ productivity or career advancement and dramatically boosted retention rates”. Additionally, having an operation optimised for remote and hybrid work allows for a worldwide operation that can take advantage of the global customer base that modern-day businesses have access to.

Kyocera enhances the productivity of hybrid working policy

Hybrid working policies are more than just a temporary solution to a passing trend — they’re a window into the future of work. Kyocera enhances the productivity of hybrid work policy by supporting flexibility, ensuring security, and facilitating collaboration. Kyocera’s solutions help businesses refine the infrastructure behind policies to meet both present and future challenges. With a focus on sustainability and adaptability, we ensure that businesses are ready not just for today, but for the future as well.

To learn more about how Kyocera can optimise your hybrid working policy, visit our website or contact us today.

Get set up for hybrid working with Kyocera

Having the right MFP and digitisation tools is key to successful digitisation.

  • Optimise your print environment for digital transformation

    Implement cloud technology and advanced security features into your print environment to go digital.

  • Desktop printer buying guide

    As an expert in document solutions, Kyocera highlights the key features to look for when purchasing a desktop printer for the home or office.

  • Hybrid working made easy

    Without adequate technology, it’s impossible to collaborate. Therefore, now is the time to invest in flexible solutions.

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