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How to choose the best A4 printer for your business

Buy the best A4 printer for the needs of your office
A4 printer

Choosing the right A4 printer can make a big difference in a business’s day-to-day operations, from boosting productivity to reducing costs. With so many options available on the market, knowing how to choose the best A4 printer for your business is crucial. Kyocera’s range of A4 printers offers diverse solutions that prioritise speed, quality, and sustainability—ideal for businesses of all sizes. This article will explore the key factors to consider, helping you make an informed decision that supports your business objectives.

Assessing your printing needs: Volume, speed and quality 

Step one in determining the best A4 printer is to consider your printing requirements. Think about your monthly print volume, as well as the quality standards and print speeds your organisation requires. A small A4 printer for office environments with low print volume and an office printer for a print-heavy environment will have different key features. 

For businesses with high monthly print volumes, it’s important to consider reliability, maintenance, and efficiency as part of the total cost. For companies more focused on quality, the relationship between cost efficiency and output quality will play a major role in the decision-making process.

Kyocera’s range of A4 printers service organisations with varying print volumes and quality requirements. For example, printers in our Kyocera’s ECOSYS line can print at speeds of over 40 sheets per minute comfortably, while maintaining extraordinary quality. This makes it a valuable addition to the fast-paced medium-sized office by preventing bottlenecks around print jobs.  Additionally, all Kyocera printers are built with long-lasting parts, reducing the need for replacements, maximising uptime, and reducing expenses. 

For all things A4, Kyocera has got your back!”

Cost efficiency 

A printer’s cost efficiency goes beyond the initial investment cost. It’s
important to consider maintenance expenses, costs per page, waste production, and energy consumption. Kyocera printers are engineered with cost-effectivity in mind. We employ energy-saving technology so that your printer can provide you with the same high quality with reduced energy consumption. That’s quality without compromise! 

Additionally having an A4 Multi-Function Printer (MFP) allows for several workflows and device functions to be condensed into one machine. Effortlessly scan and copy documents and even have your printer directly integrated into your document management system to make document organisation seamless. Kyocera printers integrate into content management systems like Kyocera Enterprise Information Manager (KEIM). This automation of an often-manual process can reduce error and admin time allowing additional cost-saving opportunities. The combined cost and operational efficiency make it an ideal addition to high-paced workplaces such as healthcare. 

Security features

Secure printing in the modern workplace is a commonly overlooked area. A printer with high-quality security features is essential, especially for businesses handling customer data and sensitive information. The economic and reputational damage of a significant data breach gives companies sufficient reason to carefully consider the role their print environment plays in securing customer data. 

Kyocera printers come with built-in security features such as data encryption, user authentication and secure print release. This ensures that only authorised personnel can access information on the print network and in the event of an attack, information is securely encrypted. Secure print release prevents confidential documents from being left unattended by only printing documents once the authorised staff member identifies themselves at the printer. A secure A4 printer fortifies a common security vulnerability and gives you the peace of mind that private documents stay private. 


With the focus on sustainability continuing to grow, your choice of printer can assist your business in achieving its environmental objectives. Kyocera is one of the market leaders in sustainable printing innovations, namely their ECOSYS range which maintains Kyocera quality while reducing energy consumption and waste. 

Kyocera printers are designed with sustainability in mind which is why the use of disposable components is minimised and substituted for long-lasting and reliable parts which reduce waste and maintenance costs. This can aid in the achievement of eco-credentials, which can provide an advantage to businesses in industries where consumers are increasingly environmentally conscious.

Kyocera’s commitment to the environment extends to the materials used and how the business operates. This was attested to by a recent TIME report that listed Kyocera among the world’s top 500 most sustainable businesses.

Knowing how to choose the best A4 printer for your business is difficult. It is more than just its initial price tag and specifications. It’s how it fits into your productivity, cost-efficiency, security and sustainability objectives. Kyocera’s A4 printer range contains options that suit businesses of all sizes, whether the priority is speed, sustainability or security. For all things A4, Kyocera has got your back! 

To learn more about our range of A4 printers and how they can impact your business get in touch with one of our experts!  

Choose the right printer for you

Your printer should match your priorities. Whether that is speed, efficiency or reliability, Kyocera has something for you.

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