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How to choose the best home printer

Productivity, security, and cost optimisation are key factors when choosing.
man smiling

In a world where convenience, efficiency, and quality are paramount, choosing the best home printer among the myriad of options can be a challenging task. 

According to a recent Ernst & Young study, 72% of employers are either implementing or planning to implement policies that will enable employees to work from another location. While the switch to remote working has been seamless for some industries, such as technology, paper-heavy industries such as logistics, legal, and insurance are required to find solutions that allow them to juggle both physical and digital documents. 

Wherever they are, employees need to be able to perform their tasks with the same quality and productivity as they would in an office dynamic. If employees are forced to wait until they can get to the office to print or scan an important contract, valuable time is lost. Therefore, in the digital age, choosing the ideal home printer consists in finding a device that enables efficient working from any location. 

Luckily, a variety of different options to fit varying budgetary and space constraints can be found on the market. Among these options, potential buyers will find multifunction printers (hereafter referred to as “MFP”) and A4 printers.  

Choosing the best home printer

One of the first questions to answer when purchasing a printer for home use is the type of printer you require. For home offices, the answer will be an A4 printer or MFP. The best device will be the one that suits your needs and allows you to perform the tasks that typically constitute your workflow. 

The difference between MFPs and A4 printers

To discover which printer is the best fit for your remote working space, you’ll need to evaluate your workflow and how the tasks you perform every day can be aided by the right device. 

If your print jobs are limited to black and white text documents, a monochrome A4 printer will be the most efficient and cost-effective tool for your home office. With a robust A4 device, you can print out important documents and contracts to review and annotate without incorporating them into your workflow in digital form.

However, if you also need to scan, copy, and fax documents, an MFP will be the best home printer for your remote workspace. Whether you’re operating in the office or in a hybrid working environment, these versatile devices empower users to carry out their tasks with maximum productivity. The hassle of jumping between physical and digital documents is also eased by MFPs, as they can digitise paper documents that need to be shared with colleagues. As home offices face stricter space limitations than a traditional open-plan office, an MFP is also a great way to be space-efficient, as numerous capabilities are consolidated in one device. 

Low-cost printers for home offices

As expenses rise in both the professional and domestic spheres, the best home printer for your office will need to be a cost-effective device that can help you save money in the long run. By opting for a printer with a low total cost of ownership (TCO), you can ensure that your new device won’t put a strain on your household budget. 

The TCO of your printer encompasses the price of consumables such as paper and ink cartridges, repair costs and the energy consumption generated by the device. Equipped with long-life components and a reduced use of printing consumables, Kyocera’s sustainable ECOSYS range is one example of how cost-effective printing can be brought into your
home office. Optimising your use of printing consumables will enable you to minimise your environmental footprint while spending less on printing. These eco-friendly devices also consume less energy, thus keeping household bills under control.

Finding the right printer for your home office

Although investing in new hybrid work tools may be an unwelcome expense for some, smart devices have the power to push your organisation towards sustainable success while reducing costs in the long run. 

By turning to a trusted document solutions provider with a proven pedigree in long-life, robust devices, you can find the right printer. The best home printer will drive productivity and help you to work smarter while keeping energy consumption to a minimum. If you’re ready to optimise your workflows while remote working, Kyocera is here to help.

The best home printer will drive efficiency and help you to work smarter.

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