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How to keep HR data secure with Document Management Solutions

Ensure employee records and sensitive information is protected with the robust KCIM
woman smiling

Poor document storage and cyber security risk go hand in hand. IBM reports that since hybrid working began in earnest, data breaches have been more costly than ever before. Their report puts the current global average cost of a data breach at a whopping €4.35m. For many small and medium-sized businesses, this significant outlay could cause closure.
Alternatively, if organisations manage to ride the financial impact, the loss of data is irreparable, while the reputational damage caused will have long-term consequences on business. 

Principally, in the Human Resources department, the risk of data leakage is high due to the handling of confidential documents on a daily basis. And with many HR employees still storing and managing sensitive employee information in hundreds of folders on their company network or Windows File Manager, it is disaster waiting to happen. 

Invest in digital security tools 

Manual document management gives plenty of room for mistakes and human error, which according to a study by IBM, is the main cause of 95% of cyber security breaches. Not to mention that the mobility of the modern professional poses a great threat to file security because employees commute between domains or incorrectly store files in their personal workspace. Without a multi-layered approach to security, these files are easy targets for hackers. 

It is crystal clear: HR departments must invest in modern technology that will keep their employee records safely stored and easy to manage, giving them the peace of mind that they deserve. 

Since 1959, Kyocera has designed its products to provide long-term, quality solutions for customers. The current era requires solutions that enable flexible working and boost productivity while tightening security.

And leading industry figures agree. Josh Bersin, HR industry analyst and founder at Bersin by Deloitte, states "HR and IT departments want something to help standardise these applications and bring them together.” Introducing Kyocera Cloud Information Manager (KCIM), the latest security software that HR executives are using to not only solve their problems but attack them.

A centralised platform: HR professionals, wherever they work, need to access thousands of documents every day. According to Bersin, some professionals are currently using around 120 different tools to handle their tasks. With KCIM, professionals need just one for document management! The software provides a centralised platform that users can access in order to upload, download and share their documents, grouping files securely in one place, regardless of their format. 

Standardised processes: HR professionals who leverage KCIM can quickly get to grips with the intuitive platform because users can customise the way they work. Therefore, professionals can organise documents into a folder structure that is convenient and safe for browsing.

Password protection and encryption: Yet, while professionals can easily find digital and physical documents on the move, one of the hallmarks of Kyocera Cloud Information Manager is security. The platform stores documents in an encrypted server, where users can view documents once they present the correct credentials. For example, users
must enter a password to gain entry to the system. Otherwise, they cannot edit or view documents. 

Cloud-based document management: Thanks to KCIM’s intelligent cloud architecture, the solution can be quickly installed, and any additional server costs are removed. Furthermore, the problem of managing and storing employee data on your organisation’s unprotected Windows file system is avoided by having all your document easily accessible from your browser. 

Skyrocket productivity: With all documents stored in a standardised manner under one roof, HR teams can work smarter, not harder. KCIM has a search-and-find style approach to document management, meaning professionals can quickly find thousands of files thanks to the google-style search bar. On the other hand, additional paper processes used to store employee information in a traditional filing cabinet are eliminated. 

GDPR Compliance: HR professionals handle sensitive data. The European Union and independent regulators are constantly tightening GDPR regulations, and HR professionals must respond, causing pressure on professionals who are required to safely manage thousands of data threads. "KCIM takes control of information management." The platform has a multi-layered approach to security, protecting documents from prying eyes, while allowing users to stay on top of the latest versions of business files.

KCIM makes storing digital and physical documents easy. Professionals can continue to enjoy their newfound freedom with the comfort of knowing that their employee data is securely stored in a central digital repository. 

Take the plunge. You won’t regret it. 

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