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Kyocera and innovation: adapting to a new age of work

Our long history of innovation prepared us for the challenges of a new age of work.
man smiling

Prior to 2020, a business may have been able to stay afloat without considering the possibilities of paperless workflows, enterprise mobility, and new methods of increasing data security. However, the pandemic disrupted traditional business models and forced organisations to adapt in order to survive.

As large swathes of the international workforce began to explore the possibilities of hybrid and remote working, business leaders found themselves obligated to adapt to a new normal in terms of business processes.

To tackle new challenges, many business leaders turned to Kyocera, a trusted partner with decades of expertise and innovative technology. Our historic commitment to proactive innovation meant we could offer solutions that embraced flexibility, allowing organizations to maintain productivity levels while becoming more agile and more secure.

Success built on innovation

At Kyocera, we owe our success to our desire and drive to constantly innovate. After founding a small ceramics company in Kyoto in 1959, our founder, Dr. Kazuo Inamori, sought to grow the organisation. His ambition was for Kyocera to expand across the globe and provide pioneering hardware and software solutions to an international customer base.

To achieve this, Dr. Inamori created a set of philosophies to guide his management style and all Kyocera employees of the future. The fundamental idea of this philosophy was to ‘do the right thing as a human being’. This ethos boils down to the idea that when we put people first and consider the best way to resolve their needs, we can produce ground-breaking solutions that centre around efficiency, affordability, and sustainability.

Another key pillar of this set of philosophies was the motivation to aim high, which has powered Kyocera’s innovations decade after decade. This legacy continues today, as Kyocera has been able to create industry-leading solutions for the challenges of a new age of work.

Innovation is an infinite ambition that has no finish line.”

Solutions to empower hybrid working

One of the main changes that has arisen in recent years has been an increase in hybrid working. As a result, organisations needed to find ways for staff to work with the same quality, productivity, and security regardless of where they are operating from.

Due to the uncertainty caused by the sudden move to remote working, organisations lacked innovative solutions that could bring stability and security. In addition, the right tools were necessary for organisations to become more agile and fluid across different locations. Kyocera’s diverse portfolio of SAAS products was ready for the challenge. Content management solutions such as Kyocera Smart Information Manager and Kyocera Enterprise Information Manager had an immediate impact on workflows, enabling businesses to regain control over their data while also accelerating digitalisation. Suddenly, they were able to do more with less.

Kyocera Cloud Information Manager (KCIM) is a more recent innovation that allows users to store their data in a cloud-based digital repository, thus eliminating the hassle of employees not having access to physical documents when away from the office. In addition, employees can enhance their productivity by using this SAAS product’s intuitive search function to locate the information they need in an instant.

Another modern solution to the question of remote working is our mobile printing software. This printing software, which is compatible with mobile applications, empowers workers to print and scan on the move, allowing them to carry out their document-related tasks from any location. By continuing to innovate new solutions, we have been able to adapt to a new age of work in which employees expect to be able to complete their workflows on the move, in the office, or at home. With an exceptional portfolio of printing devices and enterprise content management solutions working seamlessly together, Kyocera helps ensure that customers are consistently working to their maximum potential.

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Printers for hybrid work

For a business to be successful today, it must produce a large quantity of high-quality results at an increased pace.

To adapt to these demands, we have dedicated our efforts to producing a portfolio of fast, efficient printers and multi-functional printers that can deliver results. For example, organisations who have been faced with the unexpected expense of outfitting home offices were able to turn to our range of compact A4 printers. These robust devices were a welcome solution that could meet the need for remote workers to be productive in smaller, often shared, spaces.

In addition, as our innovation is paired with our commitment to providing a more sustainable future for generations to come, our devices are built to consume low amounts of energy and use few waste-generating consumables. As a result, our customers can be mindful of their environmental footprint while saving money.

Customer-centric innovation

Innovation is an infinite ambition that has no finish line. At Kyocera, we recognise the need to adapt to the world around us. This includes changing customer needs. Our customer-centric innovation is what sets us apart, as our solutions revolve around our customers’ needs to work securely and productively, wherever they may be. With Kyocera, businesses can turn new challenges, such as hybrid working, into exciting opportunities that will see the chance for growth and success in unexplored areas.

Get to know us more

Discover how Kyocera can help elevate your business:

  • Why is business innovation important?

    Use our ideas on innovation to help your business increase efficiency and improve profitability.

  • Innovation at the heart of our philosophy

    Inspired by the mindset of our founder, Kyocera continues to champion the power of innovation.

Download the infographic here:

  • KDE_Branding_Infographic.pdf (KDE_Branding_Infographic.pdf)
    • 5 MB
    • PDF

Ready to take the next step?

Our team of experts are always on hand to assist in any way possible.

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