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Kyocera devices compatible with Mopria Print Service

As a member of the Mopria Alliance, workers can print from mobile to a Kyocera device.
mobile printing

As a member of the Mopria Alliance, Kyocera Document Solutions leads the way in providing users with a simple way to print via Android mobile devices. The technology is available with Kyocera devices, giving workforces increased mobility and flexibility in how they manage their documentation.

Through the use of the Mopria Print Service application, there is no need to install any additional software. Kyocera devices are compatible with the application automatically.

In four simple steps, users can print their documents and images as required.

  • Using an Android smartphone or tablet with the Android KitKat (4.4) operating system or above, download Mopria Print Service from Google Play. 
  • Mopria Print Service allows users to search automatically for MFPs and other printers on the same network to detect their most convenient device. If your Kyocera device does not show, ensure that it is connected to the network or enter the details manually. 
  • Once a device has been selected, settings can be adapted in order to adjust printing preferences, such as paper handling options or whether to print in colour or monochrome.
  • Just click print and documents and images can be seamlessly printed.
guy using mobile printing

Mopria Print Services make it simple and secure to print documents via mobile. Once installed, your device will automatically appear as a print option in a wide range of Android applications, such as Google Chrome, Gmail, Drive, Gallery, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and more. 

The technology is installed on over 1 billion devices and is used to print 1.4 million pages every day around the world. Given the growing trend of mobility in modern workplaces, applications like Mopria Print Service have become a staple in day-to-day life. Whether in the office, at home or on-the-go, professionals can now access their nearest device to print their most crucial documentation with ease.

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