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TASKalfa Pro 15000c Case Study: Re-writing the rules

Kyocera’s debut cutsheet inkjet device blends outstanding quality with affordability
TASKalfa Pro 15000c

Business is becoming increasingly unpredictable. Customer needs and wants are changing drastically by the day: they demand greater freedom and flexibility. Organisations, therefore, must adapt quickly and build capacities that are up to the task. 

It’s time to get ahead and control the controllable. 

In an increasingly digital age, competitive print service providers will be those that offer a value-adding and diverse service offering – this is where the TASKalfa Pro 15000c comes into its own. 

The Amsterdam-based commercial print operator, Verloop Drukkerij, quickly discovered that the TASKalfa Pro 15000c has potential to be a modern-day game changer. 

“We were looking for quality, cost efficiency, and a machine that does not require a lot of support,” says Gertjan Kleinbloesem, Operational Director.

Despite the traditional dominance of toner-based printers in the cutsheet printing market, Verloop management identified the huge advantage of an inkjet device for their business – they hit the bullseye.

The benefits of inkjet

Verloop found huge added value in the inkjet device’s outstanding media flexibility, allowing them to jump quickly and seamlessly between job types. With a first print time of just 5.5 seconds and the ability to print 150 A4 sheets per minute (with no speed reduction on heavy media), users enjoy 600 x 600 dpi print resolution sheet after sheet for incredible consistency. “The colour of the first sheet is the same as the 10,000th, it is very reliable,” says Kleinbloesem. 

Moreover, the TASKalfa Pro’s intuitive touch-panel interface allows staff to go about their business efficiently without any frustrating obstacles. Over time, it’s these little details that add up to create consistently productive workflows.

Downtime is a major productivity drain for all organisations and customer frustration often leads to lost business. Verloop’s Operational Director explains why, with the TASKalfa Pro 15000c, this is something that the company doesn’t have to worry about. The machine boasts fewer moving parts and, with vacuum-fed (rather than friction feed) paper trays, the scope for paper jams is drastically reduced. Furthermore, service visits are quick with only ink cartridges, cleaning liquid, and waste ink tanks needing to be replaced. Kleinbloesem lauds the inkjet device’s uptime: “If you compare it to toner, uptime is more than 90% versus 60%.”

The spin-off benefits of improved uptime extend well beyond productivity; it also means reduced technician site visits, and a device that is cheaper to run means overall cost savings. But the reduced overheads don’t stop there, the TASKalfa PRO 15000c prints at much lower temperatures than its toner counterparts, drastically reducing energy consumption. At a time when carbon footprint issues continue to grab the headlines, Verloop is happy to enjoy a competitive advantage. “I think it’s the most sustainable inkjet printer on the market right now”, comments Kleinbloesem.

TASKalfa Pro 15000c finishing options

Having passed the 1-million-page mark, Verloop is extremely impressed by what they have seen with the TASKalfa Pro 15000c. 

With outstanding adaptability, the TASKalfa Pro offers seamless integration into workflows from the get-go. It also boasts a wide range of finishing options such as the folding kit and hole punch kit that add value to output at the printer. The multipurpose tray kit, meanwhile, supports a range of media sizes and, with additional high-capacity stackers and vacuum paper feeders, users can configure the system to reach a paper capacity of up to 14,310 sheets.

The TASKalfa Pro 15000c represents an affordable entry point into the inkjet production print space without sacrificing output quality. Featuring Kyocera’s industry-leading printhead technology, it is perfect for those who work in the transactional and transpromo spaces as well as direct mail, books, catalogues, and more. 

“The TASKalfa Pro 15000c is ideal for commercial businesses that demand the best in terms of inkjet output, print quality, and energy efficiency,” concludes Kleinbloesem.

Kyocera has once again placed the needs of its customers at the heart of its innovation to make smarter, more efficient printing simple. As demonstrated, the TASKalfa Pro 15000c has all the components to provide a strong return on investment and drive business growth. 

Verloop Drukkerij, for one, is reaping the rewards and hasn’t looked back since.

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