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The hidden costs of paper: Why digital transformation matters

Paper processes are more familiar but bring hidden costs that digital transformation can solve.
digital transformation

While paper-based processes may seem simple and familiar, their hidden expenses can reduce a business’s profitability, hinder efficiency and create bottlenecks. These hidden costs of paper are why digital transformation matters in the modern workplace. Such costs are particularly significant for small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) operating under limited budgets, making the transition to digital not just an option, but a competitive advantage.

From wasted resources to environmental footprint, the hidden costs of paper processes affect businesses in ways that are often overlooked. By transitioning to digital solutions, organisations can unlock opportunities for greater efficiency, cost savings, and sustainable growth.

Hidden costs of paper

When analysing print and document expenses, organisations often fixate on direct expenses such as paper, ink, and printer maintenance. However hidden costs can quickly add up and eat into your profit margins:

  • Storage costs: The storage and safeguarding of physical documents takes up space. Whether it’s filing cabinets in the office or off-site archives, storage costs add up over time. In metropolitan areas, the extra square footage required translates into a significant recurring cost. 
  • Time wasted: Employees spend hours every week filing, retrieving, and managing paper documents. This time could be better allocated towards business priorities. A recent study showed that 1 in every 5 workers surveyed was spending 0.5 working days a week searching for information. 
  • Risks of loss and damage: Disasters such as fires and floods or even accidental misplacement can lead to the permanent loss of critical documents. Without digital backups, these events can disrupt operations and even result in costly penalties and compliance issues.
  • Environmental costs: Paper production and disposal combined with energy inefficient printing contributes to a large environmental footprint. Companies that continue to rely heavily on paper face mounting pressure to adopt environmentally responsible practices.

These underlying costs weigh heavily on businesses, particularly businesses with limited resources.

Why digitisation is the solution

Digital transformation is more than a trend—it’s a strategic move that enables businesses to eliminate inefficiencies and remain competitive through modern workflows. By digitising paper-based processes, companies benefit from the following:

  • Increased efficiency: Cloud-based document management systems allow hybrid teams to access, share, and collaborate on documents instantly. With tools like Kyocera Cloud Information Manager (KCIM), businesses can automate repetitive tasks and streamline approvals, significantly reducing turnaround times.
  • Cost savings: By reducing reliance on paper, businesses can cut expenses related to printing, storage, and document retrieval. Additionally, digital workflows minimise the need for physical office space, offering further savings.
  • Enhanced security: Paper documents are more vulnerable to theft, loss, or unauthorised access. Kyocera’s document management systems and printers offer robust security features, including encryption, user access controls, and audit trails. This helps businesses protect sensitive data and comply with regulations like GDPR, preventing costly fines in the future.
  • Improved sustainability: Digitisation aligns with corporate social responsibility goals. By reducing paper consumption, businesses can lower their environmental footprint and support sustainability while benefiting from the associated productivity enhancements.

It’s a strategic move that enables businesses to eliminate inefficiencies.”

Kyocera’s role in digital transformation

Kyocera is a leader in the document solutions industry and has been helping businesses transition to digital workflows for decades. With a wide range of products and services, from document management solutions to MFPs, we give organisations the tools to progress toward a paperless office while improving productivity and reducing costs.

Cloud-based document management: KCIM solutions allow businesses to store, retrieve, and manage documents securely in the cloud. This eliminates the need for physical filing systems and grants employees easy and instant access to important documents, whether in the office or working remotely.

Multifunction printers (MFPs): Kyocera’s ECOSYS MFPs are designed to bridge the gap between paper and digital. These devices offer advanced scanning capabilities, enabling businesses to digitise paper documents quickly and integrate them into custom digital workflows. By combining energy efficiency and low operating costs, our printers deliver value while supporting sustainability goals.

Automated workflows: Kyocera’s workflow optimisation features automate time-consuming tasks such as invoice approvals, contract reviews, and HR documentation. By removing manual bottlenecks, these tools help businesses to reduce errors, operate more efficiently, and focus on strategic objectives.

Data security: Security is our signature feature, all our software and hardware solutions prioritise security at every step. With features like encrypted document storage, secure print release, and remote monitoring, your sensitive data remains safe at all times.

The hidden costs of paper: Why digital transformation matters

For businesses looking to improve efficiency, reduce expenses, and build a sustainable future, digital transformation is the clear path. By implementing solutions that facilitate document digitisation, digital storage, and improved organisation, you can reap the rewards of productivity and sustainability. Kyocera offers the expertise, tools, and technology to make this transition seamless and impactful.

Explore Kyocera’s digital solutions and take the first step towards a more efficient and sustainable operation. Contact us here to get started!

The time to digitise is now!

Find out how Kyocera can walk you through the digitisation process and reduce paper expenses.

  • Kyocera helps businesses digital transformation

    Find out how Kyocera helps businesses achieve digital transformation with document management systems, process automation, and cloud technology.

  • Enterprise content management is your path to a paperless office

    Go digital with Kyocera’s enterprise content management solutions and streamline document workflows.

  • Document digitisation for smarter workplaces

    Kyocera has the perfect solution for getting physical and digital documents under control.

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