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Why personal printers are a smart business investment

A4 personal printers are becoming an essential remote work tool. 
woman smiling

We all remember a time when the home printer helped us get through school or university, apply for jobs, produce creative projects and even fly to another

With the rapid rise of digitalisation, the printer’s days were apparently numbered. 

But then, there was a change of narrative. The Covid-19 pandemic completely reshuffled our workplace and led to millions of employees across the world to work from home. Suddenly there was no MFP down the hall to print, sign and scan contracts and invoices. For many there was no way to multiple copies of a document. The need for a personal printing device became apparent for professionals operating in document-heavy sectors.

And so, many began to furnish their modern home office with an equally modern home printer that fulfilled all their business needs. 

Printing from home

Remote or hybrid working is very likely to continue for many organisations. In a report conducted by Kyocera and The Economist, 360 business executives were interviewed about the future of remote work. 66.7% believe that work from home will continue in some form beyond the pandemic. Many businesses have realised that their employees can be equally as productive, if not more, when working from the comfort of their homes. Therefore, as more businesses discover the benefits of giving employees the flexibility in where and how they work, hybrid working will become the new norm for many. 

And if remote work will continue in some shape or form, so will the need for home office printers. Reliable A4 home printers will be used at home in the same way as office A3 MFPs – for printing employee contracts, business reports or reviewing marketing material and invoices. It seems that personal printers will play an integral part in our digital world after all. 

Creating a productive home office 

As remote and hybrid working continued in many organisations, home workers have dedicated time and money into modernising their workspace. For many, it is evident that the only way to be as productive at home as in the physical workplace is by having access to all the tools that they would usually have available in the office. Of course, printers and MFPs are high on the must-have list.   

Having a second monitor and a comfortable work set-up only make up a part of the home office. To achieve full work efficiency, workers need tangible resources and printouts that allow them to work in a way that suits them best, in addition to having these printed materials feature on the walls and desk where they work. Finally, investing in a modern A4 printer helps employees create a self-reliant workspace and work smarter thanks to the various advanced features that today’s printers offer. These include:

Convenience: Modern A4 home printers have been intelligently designed to make printing simple. Many models on the market such as Kyocera’s ECOSYS range are now compact and lightweight, meaning that they can be easily carried between workplaces and fit nicely on a home office desk. Furthermore, there are many flexible printing solutions that come with all-in-one functionality to fulfil a user’s printing, scanning, copying and faxing needs without clogging up their workspace. 

Connectivity: Undoubtedly, one of the most important advancements in printing has been the various connectivity options available. Today, users can print through an ethernet cable for undisturbed connection or connect their printer to the Wi-Fi. As a result, these new ways of connection have brought an incredible advantage for businesses: mobile printing. Considering that emails and social media can be managed seamlessly on smart phones, mobile printing apps allow businesses to print at ease and from any location, saving tons of valuable time and making business processes all the more agile.

User-friendly printers: Paper jams, unexpected errors and a lack of quality consistency are major productivity drains. The need for reliable and robust devices has never been greater. Usability is another key factor when it comes to productivity. Digital age advances such as tablet-like interfaces have drastically improved overall use experience. Furthermore, operating systems have become much more intuitive, a must for remote workers who cannot access on-site technical help as quick as before. Finally, most personal printers offer a straight out of the box versatile solution that can be set-up effortlessly.  

The perfect home printing environment  

The evidence is clear: the personal printer is back. By choosing the right one, businesses can add value to their workflows and enable their staff to work more productively than ever. Much more than expenses, these tools are a smart investment for those seeking to build sustainable success going forward.

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