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Rethinking productivity in the workplace: Download the guide

A report by the Economist intelligence unit and sponsored by Kyocera Document Solutions
kyocera and the economist

A new report produced by The Economist Intelligence Unit and sponsored by Kyocera Document Solutions reveals the impact that the shift to remote work during the covid-19 pandemic has had on organisations., their employees, and productivity.

Based on a May 2021 survey of more than 360 business executives from around the globe, the Reshaping Productivity report seeks to determine if and how remote work is increasing productivity in the workplace.

The report provides an in-depth analysis into:

  • Productivity trends as a result of the shift to remote work 
  • The organisational factors affecting productivity in the remote workplace 
  • The impact of company culture on productivity 
  • The costs and benefits of remote work and its place in the future of work 
For business leaders looking to understand the workplace of the future, this report provides valuable insights into the relationship between remote work and productivity.
To download the full report and learn more about increasing productivity in your workplace, fill in the form today.

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