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How lack of document storage space impacts enterprises

Learn more about the benefits of implementing document management tools

The modern business environment is incredibly competitive, with data playing a more critical role than ever before. Every organisation wants to gain a clear understanding of its clients in order to identify ways to improve its offerings and boost consumer satisfaction. But handling increasing amounts of documentation and information is proving to be a challenge for companies of all sizes. In order to truly get the most out of all the data that is collected, it needs to be well organised and usable. Businesses operating in an analogue working environment are often left relying on inefficient methods, with employees sharing paper copies of documentation that may be out of date, or lacking crucial information, while inevitably leaving loose sheets of paper on desks hoping that it will all make sense.

Learn more about the benefits of implementing document management tools, and find out how digital transformation can present new opportunities to see profits soar.

man papers

The enterprise world is currently living in the midst of a technological revolution where success is highly reliant on the ability to keep up and adapt to today’s fast-paced, digital world – and opting out of achieving digitalisation is no longer an option. But, what does this mean for how businesses manage content and information?

Information management challenges have become commonplace for enterprises as problems arise from traditionally managing documents and data, which are quickly leading to losses and becoming unsustainable. As such, many companies still find themselves dealing with issues pertaining to inefficient traditional work environments. Cutting-edge solutions such as Content Services, as well as Enterprise Content Management (ECM) and Document Management Systems (DMS), provide innovative ways to process and use data more effectively.

To this end, Kyocera Document Solutions Europe has conducted a study to share our expertise with partners and to acquire a true overview of the current understating and perception of “Enterprise Content Management” and “Document Management Systems” in the marketplace. In all, the outcomes are aimed at assisting customers to develop information management strategies involving these solutions and to add value to their businesses, leaving them to reflect on how to achieve their true digitalisation.

Download our study to learn more

Business Digitalisation in Europe Outlook 2019

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