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High-volume colour printing for education sector: quality & quantity

Kyocera’s TASKalfa Pro 15000c meets the needs of Print Service Providers in the education sector.
Production Print

Print Service Providers (PSPs) that work for companies in the education sector need to find a balance between meeting the high-quality, colour printing needs of this sector, and keeping costs low and production high. Therefore, they need to implement an efficient press they can trust to produce vivid, crisp outputs at a low total cost of operation.

Inkjet digital printing is the solution many commercial printers choose to implement. Kyocera’s inkjet devices offer high-volume colour printing for the education sector, providing both quality and quantity where it is needed most. 

Why the education sector needs colour prints

In a digital modern world, many companies are moving away from paper resources, but in education, print is still king. Young people, from primary school through to university, have been found to learn much more effectively with paper materials rather than digital screens. Notably, primary students learn six times more from books than they do from reading screens. 

Textbooks for the education sector need to be vibrant, engaging, and easy to navigate. Colour is a prerequisite of their design, as it helps children to stay focused and even has beneficial effects on the memory. With this in mind, commercial printing for education must be done in colour and at a high quality, while remaining affordable and efficient.

The challenge for quality, high-volume printing

Colour high-quality prints make perfect sense for the education sector, but the challenge arises when educational institutions seek vibrant prints at a reasonable price. Print Service Providers must find a solution that allows them to print high-quality colour outputs at a high quantity and keep printing costs manageable. As well as print costs, PSPs want to keep their environmental footprint to a minimum, and some presses use much more energy than others.

Moreover, textbooks tend to be printed on offset coated paper for a brighter, glossier finish. This is a challenge, as the most affordable means of high-volume printing tends to be inkjet, but traditionally inkjet has not been used on these kinds of substrates, as the ink would smudge on the surface and result in poorer quality finishes. 

Finally, PSPs need to consider the level of Print Room Operator intervention needed to complete a print run successfully. Depending on the method of printing and the press at hand, Print Room Operators often need to be hands-on with the machines frequently throughout the print run, limiting their ability to be elsewhere, advancing on other areas of business.

How Kyocera’s inkjet devices meet these needs

In terms of print run costs, inkjet comes into its own. Requiring less energy to run, these presses can produce vibrant results while consuming energy efficiently and reducing paper and plastic waste. Kyocera’s TASKalfa Pro 55000c offers an affordable entry point into the commercial printing market, while offering capabilities that drive business growth. With a great return on investment (ROI) for the device and a low total cost of ownership (TCO), the Pro is the cost- and energy-efficient option for PSPs.

As for the use of inkjet on offset and gloss paper, with the introduction of the TASKalfa Pro 55000c to the market, Kyocera has innovated the perfect solution. This device is capable of producing spotless results on these coated media, due to its advanced drying technology. Now, affordable and quality colour printing on offset coated substrates is a reality.

Made with few moving parts, the TASKalfa Pro 55000c also offers a reduced risk of breakdown, as well as remarkably high uptime (up to 95%), and round-the-clock printing at 150 pages per minute. Moreover, the Pro offers automated processes, such as finishing options, to afford Print Room Operators more time to focus on other print runs and print room needs.

What’s more, for colour and monochrome printing on uncoated paper, PSPs can employ the TASKalfa Pro 15000c to great effect. This device is also sustainable, productive, and efficient. Before purchasing a production printer, consider your print needs and make the choice that best suits your print environment and business needs.

PSPs can enjoy sustainable productivity with Kyocera’s help, reducing their carbon footprint while also hitting deadlines and adhering to their customers’ exact needs. Inkjet helps PSPs grow their business in the education sector.

High volume printing for the education sector with Kyocera’s inkjet technology

Businesses in the education sector need high-quality colour prints produced in bulk, and Print Service Providers are looking for the ideal solution to produce these prints at a good cost. Kyocera has introduced the perfect solution to the commercial printing market: the TASKalfa Pro 55000c.

With Kyocera’s latest inkjet digital press, PSPs can offer their customers vibrant colour quality on offset coated and gloss paper at a great ROI and low TCO. It’s sustainable, efficient, and productive. With the addition of the Pro to any print environment comes exciting new opportunities, reduced costs, greater uptime, and more freedom for Print Room Operators to focus on other areas of business.

Get in touch with our inkjet experts today if you would like to discuss how Kyocera’s inkjet innovations can help your business grow.

"Inkjet helps PSPs grow their business in the education sector

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