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How Kyocera supports SMBs in achieving big results

Kyocera empowers small and medium businesses with digital transformation tools.
Kyocera supports SMBs

Small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) play a vital role in driving the European economy, producing more than half of the total value added. Yet they often face challenges that limit their results. Kyocera supports SMBs in achieving big results with limited resources. Tight budgets, increased competition, and the complexities of managing a hybrid workforce lead SMBs to seek more efficient and cost-effective solutions to their problems.

Discover four key ways Kyocera’s customer-centric approach and tailored solutions empower SMBs to reach their goals.

1. Streamline document workflows with digital transformation

Efficient workflows are essential for SMBs to remain competitive, yet many are reliant on manual processes that waste time and create productivity bottlenecks. Enterprise content management (ECM) solutions transform the way businesses handle documents, providing digital tools to manage, store, and retrieve files effortlessly.

One such ECM platform is Kyocera Cloud Information Manager (KCIM), which enables businesses to digitise paper documents, automate workflows, and securely store information in the cloud. This eliminates the need for physical storage, reduces reliance on paper, and allows for resources to be reallocated towards business-critical priorities. KCIM not only saves the company money but contributes to business-wide operational efficiency increases. 

Kyocera’s ECM solutions integrate seamlessly with existing systems, making digital transformation feasible for SMBs that aren’t in a position to refresh their entire infrastructure set-up. This enhances efficiency and also ensures teams can access and share critical information at a moment’s notice.

2. Cost-effective printing

Printing remains a significant expense for many SMBs, especially when relying on outdated equipment or inefficient processes. Kyocera addresses this challenge through its ECOSYS printer series, designed to deliver high-quality performance while keeping costs under control.

Our ECOSYS range is built with durable components that last longer, reducing maintenance requirements and lowering the total cost of ownership (TCO). Additionally, ECOSYS devices are energy-efficient, helping your business minimise its environmental impact and save on utility bills. Kyocera devices enhance sustainability without compromise. Keep the same high quality and reliability while moving towards your environmental objectives. 

Kyocera’s security-first attitude allows SMBs to operate with confidence.”

3. Enhancing data security

Data breaches and cyberattacks can be devastating for SMBs, leading to economic and reputational damage. However, despite this, many smaller organisations fail to take adequate measures to prevent such attacks. Robust data security measures not only give you peace of mind, they also build trust with your customers allowing for better business relationships.

Kyocera recognises this and integrates advanced security features into its products and services to protect the sensitive information of our SMB clients. Our multifunction printers (MFPs) are equipped with data encryption, secure print release, and access authorisation. These features prevent unauthorised access to confidential documents and ensure data stored on devices remains secure.

Furthermore, we support the transition to digital allows for better control and monitoring of access and changes to documents. With features like version history tracking and audit trails, you have increased visibility on your document management, ensuring you comply with data regulations. For SMBs juggling multiple priorities, having a trusted partner to manage document security is invaluable.

With increasingly strict GDPR at play, Kyocera’s security-first attitude allows SMBs to operate with confidence, knowing that they are compliant. 

4. Supporting hybrid work

In the age of hybrid work, SMBs have no choice but to explore remote work policy. Seamless collaboration across dispersed teams is essential for maintaining productivity standards across the company. Kyocera’s solutions facilitate productivity, regardless of whether you’re at home, in the office, or on the go.

For example, Kyocera’s mobile print capabilities allow employees to print, scan, and upload documents to the cloud directly from their smartphones, tablets, or laptops. This eliminates the need for complex print environment setups, giving employees the flexibility to manage documents on the go. It also eliminates the need for dedicated IT staff by simplifying infrastructure, giving SMBs significant savings on payroll and contracting. 

For more advanced needs, Kyocera’s cloud-based platforms enable real-time collaboration by providing secure access to shared files. Features like version control and audit trails ensure remote teams stay aligned, reducing the risk of manual errors or duplicate work.

Kyocera empowers SMBs with tools and features to connect teams spread across different locations, thus allowing them to remain flexible in the dynamic and ever-changing world of modern business.  

How Kyocera supports SMBs in achieving big results

Kyocera’s commitment to empowering SMBs is more than the implementation of a single solution—it’s about building long-term partnerships. By providing reliable tailored solutions that streamline operations, lower costs, enhance security, and facilitate hybrid work, Kyocera helps SMBs overcome the challenges holding them back.

Whether you’re a small business looking to explore content digitisation or a medium-sized enterprise seeking scalable printing solutions, Kyocera has the experience and technology to help you reach your goals. Contact Kyocera to learn more about how we can support your business today.

Tools that make a difference for SMBs

Having the right MFP and digitisation tools is key to efficient operations in small and medium-sized businesses.

  • Optimise your print environment for digital transformation

    Implement cloud technology and advanced security features into your print environment to go digital.

  • Desktop printer buying guide

    As an expert in document solutions, Kyocera highlights the key features to look for when purchasing a desktop printer for the home or office.

  • How Kyocera enhances productivity of hybrid work policy

    Kyocera optimises hybrid work with tools for collaboration and document management from anywhere.

Do you have any questions?

Let us know if you have any questions about our awards and certifications.

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